Thursday, April 7, 2011

It is always darkest before the dawn...

This quote has been running through my mind a lot lately as I have been reminding myself that God not only guides us through our darkest night, but that He also promises a brighter tomorrow. Sometimes that "tomorrow" doesn't come as quickly as we would like, but it does come and I have been holding onto that promise. Our "tomorrow" came yesterday in a phone call from the social worker saying that....(are you sitting down?)...Jordan's mom was again requesting us to adopt him! This phone call was something that we knew was possible, but had decided to put out of our minds. We wanted to begin healing from the whole painful ordeal and knew that holding onto that hope was not going to help the process. So, needless to say, when the phone call came, I was shocked! After rushing around to prepare for a sub and to again prepare our home, I was able to hold baby Jordan again. That moment is something that I will never forget!

This morning we headed off to the adoption agency to wait for the word that the adoption papers had been signed. The moment we found out that the papers were signed was one of pure, God-given joy! I am obviously going to have my hands wonderfully full for awhile, so it may be awhile before I can post again. But, until then, join us in praising God for our beautiful miracle and even more importantly, praying for the beautiful, strong woman who loved her child enough to let him go. She has a long, painful journey of healing ahead of her and we are committed to praying her through that journey.

To close, I am attaching some pictures from our joyful reunion. Welcome to your forever family, Jordan Kade. You have already brought us more joy than we could have ever imagined!