Thursday, July 8, 2010

We may be expecting...

a second little one! Last week we received a call from the adoption agency telling us that we had been chosen by a birthmom. The birthmom is due on August 11…the same day that my sister and sister-in-law are due! Do you have goose bumps yet? I get them every time I think about it!

Just as with Brayden’s adoption, this is a time in our lives when we are again requesting lots of prayers. We especially ask for your prayers for the birthmom as she deals with the stress and pain that comes with making this decision. We met with her yesterday and she was understandably very overwhelmed. Her mother has offered to take the baby, so she has a lot to work through in the next few weeks. We also request prayers for safety and peace for her little one. Please pray that God would give the birth mom the wisdom to make the best decision for her and for her baby…even if that doesn’t include us! As with our last experience, I am finding that my biggest source of pain in all of this is a heart that is breaking for the birth mom. I can’t even imagine what she must be going through! Finally, we ask for prayers as we are preparing for our new little one, whoever or wherever he or she may be! This is bringing back a lot of “uncomfortable” feelings that I forgot about after Brayden’s adoption was finalized. (Even though I have no experience with childbirth, I imagine that it is a bit like forgetting the pain of labor after the baby is born!) We know now that the emotions are just part of the adoption package and that they will, in God’s time, result in indescribable joy. But, they are still there and we are again working through them!

To close, thank you for joining with us on this second chapter of our adoption journey. Your prayers, your support, and your love are so very much appreciated! I will do my best to keep you all updated. (I have to admit that I am finding it harder to do that with a one year old this time around!:-))